11 Reflections

11 Reflections: San Francisco is part of a new national series of performance works, Eleven Reflections on the Nation.

Devised by Andrea Assaf, co-produced by Golden Thread Productions, Brava for Women in the Arts and Art2Action. Aviva Arts is honored to be in collaboration with this project by offering wellness support to the 11 Reflections cohort.

11 Reflections is a cross-cultural, cross-organizational multimedia performance, one of a national series of performance works.

  • Directed by Andrea Assaf

  • Featuring: Lubana al Quntar, acclaimed Syrian opera singer

  • Featuring: Eylem Basaldi, Turkish composer and violinist

Show to premiere October 4, 2024 - October 5, 2024


11 Reflections: San Francisco draws on Andrea Assaf’s seminal work, Eleven Reflections on September, an episodic, multimedia performance on Arab American identity, Wars on/of Terror, and “the constant, quiet rain of death / amidst beauty” in a post-9/11 world. In each participating city, the project engages local artists and community members who have been affected by post-9/11 policies to contribute their stories, illuminating our collective experiences since 2001—from the fall of the Twin Towers, to the U.S. wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, to the Muslim Ban, and now to the funding of genocide in Palestine.

11 Reflections: San Francisco invites Southwest/Central Asian and North African (SWANA), Middle Eastern/North African/South Asian (MENASA), and Muslim American artists, BIPOC artists and allies, and impacted communities in the Bay Area to participate in Story Circles, workshops, creative writing, and theatre-making in response to the question:

What has the impact of the post-9/11 era been in your city, and how does it connect to what’s happening today?

This performance is co-produced by Golden Thread Productions, Brava for Women in the Arts, and Art2Action, in collaboration with Aviva Arts.